
Removal/Deportation-USICE Issues Directive on Priorities for Deportation and Removal of Aliens

September 2010 - The USCIS has issued a memorandum outlining the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) priorities with respect to the removal and deportation of aliens, allocation of resources and priorities with respect to the aliens to be removed. Under this directive, USCIS will prioritize the deportation and removal of aliens in the following order:

1. Aliens who pose a danger to national security or risk to public safety

2. Recent illegal entrants, and

3. Aliens who are fugitives or otherwise obstruct immigration controls,

Under each category, the USICE lists specific classes of aliens to be targeted for removal in order of priority. The memorandum also describes the appropriate use of USICE’s detention resources as well as when prosecution of certain aliens is warranted.

pdf [Review the Directive on Deportation and Removal of Aliens]
